How to Find a Reliable Industrial Filter Manufacturer?

If you are thinking of starting a new business of selling industrial filters, then you have to look for a reliable industrial filter manufacturer with whom you can build a long term relationship. There are plenty of industrial filter manufacturing companies. But unfortunately, finding a reliable and good manufacturer is quite a daunting task. Many fresh entrepreneurs find themselves hitting the wall when they try to find an actual supplier of industrial filters. So for your ease, we have provided the complete guide on finding a manufacturer and how to short down a long list and select the best-fitted manufacturer. Saifilter is a reputable manufacturer among various industrial filter manufacturing companies. If you don’t want to take risks while choosing a manufacturer, then Saifilter will be the best choice.

Different Ways to Find a Reliable Industrial Filter Manufacturer

If you have decided to start the business of selling industrial filters, then you have to find a reliable manufacturer to supply products to you. But how can you find a reliable industrial filter manufacturer? In this section, we have provided a thorough guide to finding a manufacturer. But keep in mind that thorough research is necessary to find the proper manufacturer. Even if you have a manufacturer in your mind, you should still ask about product quality, packaging, production costs, and various relevant questions.

1. Alibaba

One of the most easily accessible sites to find a manufacturer in China is Alibaba. Various Chinese manufacturers and suppliers on Alibaba already have the products ready, but that’s not significantly a problem. You can contact the supplier and ask him for custom industrial filters. Just search the ‘industrial filters’ in the search bar of Alibaba, and the engine will show you thousands of products from various suppliers.

Although Alibaba is safe to find a manufacturer, you should still be careful because the rate of getting scammed through these types of sites is pretty high. Before contacting any manufacturer, always look for reviews. Keep in mind that gold supplier does not necessarily mean an excellent product. You can get the status of the gold supplier by paying an annual fee to Alibaba. In addition, many trading companies also disguise themselves as manufacturers, so beware of them. Trading companies are actually middlemen, and they don’t produce the products themselves.

2. Online Directories

Another way to find a trustworthy industrial filter manufacturer is through free online supplier directories. The online directories have profiles of thousands of manufacturers and suppliers. It becomes easy to find a reliable industrial filters manufacturer through these directories. Below we have provided the list of various popular directories for your ease:

  • ThomasNet
  • Maker’s Row
  • MFG
  • Kompass
  • National Association of the manufacturer’s member list
  • Oberlo
  • AliExpress
  • Source
  • Indiamart
  • NAICS (North American Industry Classification System)

3. Google

Another most popular, well-known, and easily accessible site to find a manufacturer is Google. You can find manufacturers on Google by putting a keyword in a search bar. Google will show you plenty of relevant results just after a few searches. Many of the industrial filter manufacturers have websites on Google. All the information about the company and their products will be available on the website. If you are using Google to find a manufacturer, then you may have a pretty long list of manufacturers. After thorough research, you have to scan the reliable manufacturer from all the shown results.

4. Sourcing Agents

A sourcing agent is someone who is a local of the country in which your desired manufacturing company is located. In other words, if you have decided the country from which you have to find a manufacturer, then contacting the sourcing agent will be best. The sourcing agent will tell you about the pros and cons of different manufacturing companies. The sourcing agent will visit the factory on your behalf to check the standard quality of industrial filters. He will tell the manufacturer all your demands. He will keep a check on the manufacturer and your order from time to time. If you are importing from a country whose language is unknown to you, then hiring a sourcing agent will also help you to overcome a language barrier between you and your industrial filters manufacturer. If you are thinking of developing a long term relationship with your manufacturer, then hiring a sourcing agent will be of great help.

5. Referrals from Industrial Network

Taking referrals and suggestions from the people in the same industry as you are the best thing to do. Ask your professional contacts for any recommendations. If you are a friend with someone who has been in the business of industrial filters for a long time, ask him to introduce you to the excellent manufacturer. People already in the field have a good overview of which manufacturer is good and which is bad. Asking someone experienced will help you in finding a reliable industrial filters manufacturer.

In addition, as you probably know that today is the world of social media, so join various business communities on Facebook and increase your business network. Develop various contacts. Ask for a reliable industrial filter manufacturer. Someone in the community will definitely give you a positive answer.

How to short down the long list of manufacturers?

Once you have gone through various above-mentioned ways of finding a reliable manufacturer, the chances are that you will have a pretty long list of potential manufacturers for your business at the end of the day. Now it’s your turn to do thorough research and narrow down the list. Below we have described various factors which can help you in narrowing the list down:

What is the cost or price per item?

Can they accommodate custom-designed industrial filters?

  • What are the resources of the manufacturer?
  • What is the reputation of the manufacturer?
  • How much time will it take to manufacture and transfer your products?
  • Do they provide samples?
  • What is the cost of the sample?
  • What are the shipping costs?
  • What is the minimum order quantities?
  • Is the minimum order quantity negotiable?
  • What is the defect policy of the company?
  • What are the payment terms of the manufacturer? Are you okay with that payment terms?

By asking above mentioned questions, you will be able to cut down the long list of manufacturers to only a few. Moreover, above mentioned questions will also help you in future. Ask all the relevant questions and select a manufacturer with which you are comfortable.

Communicate with manufacturers and suppliers

Once you have decided on the manufacturer, now you have to communicate your design with him and ask for samples. If you like samples, you have to place an order, but if you don’t like samples, you can switch to other manufacturers or make changes. For this purpose, you have to contact and communicate with the manufacturer on your own. There are three common ways to contact the manufacturer:

  • Skype calls
  • Email
  • WeChat (mostly used in the case of Chinese manufacturers)

Once you know how to communicate with the manufacturer, now is the time to tell manufacturers about your desired product specification. You can communicate your idea with the help of the following things:

  • Sketches
  • Instructions
  • Reference photos
  • After finalizing the design:
  • Ask the manufacturer for the samples.
  • Make changes if you are not satisfied with the sample.

Once all your requirements are fulfilled, place the order. You can also negotiate price and minimum order quantity while placing the order.

Final Verdict

Sourcing industrial filter manufacturers is a difficult task, but it is necessary to start a business. The world has many industrial filters manufacturers, but finding the perfect one for you is difficult. We recommend Saifilter because of its good customer policy and high-quality products.

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