Industrial Valve Applications Guide (2021 Update)

Filtration is the process of removing solid particles from liquids and gases. It can be as simple as using a filter after cooking pasta, or as complicated as purifying the drinking water of an entire city. This step of filtration is suitable for a very wide range of applications, so filtration is an important step in many industrial processes. It is conceivable that if there is no suitable filtering equipment, many industrial production equipments will be damaged, causing huge losses to the factory.

This is why in Henan Safilter industrial filter manufacturer, our mission is to provide our customers with high-quality and reliable industrial filter elements and filtration equipment. Here is a quick tour of some common filtering applications.

Industrial Valve Functions

1) Protect the equipment. In industrial manufacturing, industrial filter elements and filter systems can protect manufacturers’ expensive production equipment and production lines. When the particles are not properly filtered out, they can damage the equipment and eventually cause the entire system to malfunction. For example, the remaining particles in the pipeline can corrode the metal, cause failures and require the replacement of necessary and expensive parts.

2) Purification. Filtration is extremely important to keep things such as water, chemicals, and medicines clean, pure, and pollution-free. If it is not the function of the filtration system, we may not have safe drinking water, because industrial filter elements and filtration systems play a vital role in eliminating sediment, sand, gravel, carbon, and other suspended particles.

3) Security. Filtration helps prevent cross-contamination, health hazards, workplace safety issues, and environmental issues. It can even help companies comply with safety and quality standards set by agencies such as EPA and OSHA.

4) Efficiency. Filtration helps many industrial processes to obtain smoother operability and more effective fluidity. Take the oil rig as an example. When the oil is brought out of the ground, sand and debris will be mixed into the oil. Placing an industrial filter element or filter system at the source can help remove some upward particles, thereby saving time and effort on the surface.

The most common industrial filtration applications

1. Water treatment

Industrial Water Filter

The main application industry of industrial filter elements and filtration systems is sewage treatment plants, so water treatment is one of the most important applications of filtration. Generally, water treatment involves four main processes: coagulation, precipitation, filtration, and disinfection.

During the coagulation process, positively charged chemicals are added to the water to neutralize dirt and other particles, and then combine to form a substance called floc. In turn, heavy flocs settle at the bottom of the water supply system. However, the floc does not include all impurities in the water. The clean water remaining on top of the sediment must pass through a filtration process, which may include various filters and centrifuges to remove sand, dust, bacteria, and viruses. At this time, the important role of industrial filter elements and filter systems is revealed.

In addition to water treatment plants, modern industries often use industrial filtration equipment to reduce, reuse and recycle water. Many industries can better protect the earth, reduce costs and waste, improve operations, and improve their bottom line. Industrial filtration allows companies to safely reuse gray water, which is basically any household wastewater that does not come from toilets. For example, car washes and industrial laundry facilities use water at almost every stage of work. The filter press removes dirt and particles from the gray water produced by these companies every day, allowing them to recycle about half of the water and soap! The filtered water can wash more clothes and cars for more customers, while reducing the pressure on fresh water supply and the cost of doing business. Another excellent application of industrial filtration equipment in water treatment is lime softening. The process uses lime (Ca(OH)2) and a filter press to deionize the process water and precipitate calcium, magnesium, and other contaminants, including heavy metals. The purified water produced can then be returned to the environment, reused for irrigation, or directed back to industrial water supply for reuse. When the filter cake (a calcium-rich by-product) is reused as agricultural fertilizer, the circulation loop is complete. This reuse will spread the benefits of using industrial filtration equipment to more industries and people.

Mining and metal finishing are also water-intensive industries that can benefit from industrial filtration equipment. Increasingly stringent EPA regulations aim to eliminate environmental pollution caused by heavy metals and other toxins produced by these activities in grey water. These industries use customized filter presses and clarifiers to remove contaminants, comply with federal and state regulations, and become more environmentally friendly in the process.

Investing in industrial filtration equipment to protect our water supply companies can help save water, money, energy, etc. Environmentally conscious industrial production cycles also ensure their own future, because work and life require clean and fresh water to survive and prosper.

2. Chemicals

From disinfectants to fertilizers, almost every modern chemical requires some type of filtration in its production process. The specific process varies by chemical type and manufacturer, but in most cases, particle filtration is a key step. To ensure product cleanliness, impurities must be removed from raw materials and mixed solutions. Similarly, the final product is usually filtered and a centrifugal process is used to comply with regulations and prevent contamination.

In the chemical industry, industrial filters are an important guarantee for product quality and occupational safety. The Safilter product portfolio includes filtration systems for dust removal and air filtration. It also includes cooling and process water treatment. In the production of pastes, liquids and similar substances, filtration also plays an important role. Our filters protect employees from hazardous substances in chemical production.

3. Pharmaceuticals

The pharmaceutical industry also requires extensive use of industrial filter elements and filtration systems. Because common over-the-counter drugs and life-saving drugs must pass strict quality control tests. These tests include detection of bacteria, viruses, dust, and many other types of particles. The pharmaceutical industry has very high requirements for industrial filter elements and filtration systems. Industrial filter elements and filtration systems are needed to help remove impurities and particles generated during the production process.

Generally speaking, these technologies are similar to those used in chemical manufacturing. The particles are centrifuged, filtered, and separated from the raw materials and finished products. However, given that these products are for human consumption, the standards are higher and the margin of error is smaller.

Filtration is a process widely used in the pharmaceutical industry and is considered to be almost ubiquitous. The pharmaceutical industry requires different filtration methods, depending on the type of chemical solution used. Generally, there are the following main types of filtration systems.

(1) Surface filtration: As described in the filter and filtration manual, surface filtration works by direct interception. The size of the filter pores is responsible for the separation, because the sieve allows particles of a certain size to pass through, but traps molecules that are too large to pass through the pores. Since porous membranes are sometimes used, this system is also called membrane filtration.

(2) Deep filtration: Compared with surface filtration, deep filtration can also retain particulate matter farther from the surface. It is mainly used to clarify solutions. The most commonly used filters in depth filtration are ceramic filters and sintered filters. In the past, the pharmaceutical industry relied heavily on the use of electrostatic precipitators, cyclones and disposable filters. But recently, these are being replaced by metal sintered filters. These filters can be cleaned in place, and as the filter cake (layer of filter material on the membrane) is formed, the screen becomes more efficient.

(3) Cross-flow filtration: The most typical example of cross-flow filtration is nanofiltration, which is a recently developed system for companies that need to treat water with low total dissolved solids. The name nanofiltration comes from the use of filtration membranes with pores equal to or less than 1 nanometer in diameter. It can be compared with reverse osmosis, but the transmembrane pressure required for its operation is much smaller. Therefore, the process is more cost-effective. Nevertheless, it does have its shortcomings, because nanofiltration membranes may become victims of fouling and scaling.

(4) Ultrafiltration: Ultrafiltration is a pressure-driven membrane transport process, which is most suitable for the separation, concentration and purification of specific macromolecules. This filtration method can produce high purity in its products and is used in industry for the production of vaccines, plasma and serum. It can be used in various applications in the pharmaceutical industry, because it can maintain good economics in the case of scale-up production, and the application of low-shear pumps can reduce the shear denaturation of the product.

The latest development of ultrafiltration technology stems from its adoption in the biotechnology industry. Since the asymmetric nature of the membrane used for ultrafiltration makes it less susceptible to clogging by debris or cells than microporous filters, ultrafiltration has proven to be a more cost-effective and efficient method of producing biotechnological products. Plasma production is also one of the applications of ultrafiltration. When separating human plasma, it is necessary to reconstitute the concentration of essential protein components such as albumin and globulin. Ultrafiltration is applied to achieve this process.

(5) Filter cake filtration

The pharmaceutical industry also uses filter cake filtration. The core of the system is the surface filtration technology, which uses the filter cake formed on the membrane surface to improve the efficiency of the filtration system. The filter is usually composed of coarse woven cloth. With this cloth, the particles in the solution bridge the pores in the fabric and provide a stronger membrane. The filter cake can efficiently remove sub-micron colloidal particles.

Industrial filtration equipment

Industrial filtration requires the application of many different types of machines to the process. The choice of equipment depends on several factors, including the characteristics of the fluid and the size of the particles being filtered. The equipment used for filtration should be economical to operate and easy to sterilize by heat, radiation or gas.

4. Biotechnology

The use of biological processes to sustainably produce a variety of commodities, including food, medicine, and fuel. Including the production of antibiotics from organisms; the use of enzymes to neutralize toxic waste; and crop engineering that “built-in” pesticides. In each of these applications, the desired product must be separated from the mixture of biomass, growth medium, and liquid.

The biotechnology industry is facing increasing regulatory pressures to provide products with better quality and safety results, while reducing operating costs and environmental impact. Biopharmaceutical manufacturers are always looking for better processes for filtering microorganisms and other contaminants. Over time, the need for pollutant removal has been increasing, and with the emergence of super bacteria and increased antibiotic resistance, these needs may continue to increase. Industrial filter elements and filtration systems can effectively remove pollutants and achieve excellent filtration effects at an economical cost.

5. Petroleum and natural gas

Oil and gas production usually takes place under particularly difficult conditions. The challenges faced by the filter include air pollution caused by fog, salt, spray, other causes, and very high dust concentrations. At the same time, the by-products of oil extraction and industrial pollutants such as hydrocarbons have brought further difficulties. Therefore, it is necessary to purify and remove impurities contained in petroleum. Oil and gas filtration is a mechanical process that separates oil from gas and other products. Good industrial filter elements and filtration systems can effectively filter lubricating oil, fuel oil, injection water, utility water and cooling gas. At the same time, it can protect turbines, engines, generators, compressors and pumps from damage. Due to the harsh conditions of oil and natural gas production, the industrial filter elements and starvation filter systems used in this industry must meet the following requirements:

1. Must show strong resistance to harsh environmental conditions

2. Ability to remove solids and fluids in an effective way

3. Comply with established industry standards in terms of craftsmanship and specifications

4. Able to withstand varying flow rates

5. Maintain continuous performance and last longer

6. Comply with established industry standards in terms of safety

7. Filter material that can withstand high-level pollution

8. Shows great strength in the case of temperature and pressure fluctuations

The oil and gas industry mainly uses the following filtration systems:

1. Simplex filter

2. Duplex filter

3. Coalescence System

4. Bag filter/multi-bag filter

5. Vacuum dehydrator

6. Oil-water separation filter

7. Basket filter

8. Filter element filter

The main purpose of filter media is to purify oil from various pollutants. In fact, filter media is an important tool for removing pollutants. Basically, this medium is in the form of a porous component.

Under normal circumstances, the media plays a role in multiple filtration processes, as described below:

(1) Direct interception: Here, larger size particles will cause clogging.

(2) Brownian motion: Regardless of the direction of fluid flow, particles smaller than 1 micron will move. Adjacent media play a role of adsorption.

(3) Adsorption: This is related to the molecular or electrostatic attraction between the medium and the particles.

(4) Gravitational effect: Here, the low-flow area is the focus. Larger particles move here. In this case, inertial impact-inertia is the force that strikes the particle. The adsorption keeps them and the oil continues its flow process.

Essentially, before buying oil filters, industrial filter bags, and oil filtration systems, consider the type of oil.

6. Food processing

The food and beverage industry utilizes some of the most widely known filtration processes. These processes include separation of milk fat from dairy products; centrifugation to crystallize sugar; grain washing, separation and dehydration in breweries and breweries. As the population grows and the demand for certain foods increases, filtration technology must become more efficient.

Filtration plays a key role in maintaining food processing equipment, maintaining the freshness of food and beverages, and extending their shelf life.

(1)Food processing filtration: In the food industry, the use of this type of filtration and process filters is an indispensable step. Removal of particles in liquids whose viscosity varies with water or honey, such as dough, sauce, chocolate, preserves, jam or surimi, is a crucial operation, both delicate and complex.

(2)Safe filtration: Foods usually require safe filtration before mixing or packaging. This operation eliminates contamination particles that may accidentally arrive during the manufacturing process: lumps, skins or shells, as well as plastic particles, corks, metal particles, bolts, screws, small washers, etc.

(3)Water filtration in the food industry: Water has many uses: it is used for washing, cooking, or cleaning equipment, and it can also be added to formulations at different stages. Whether used in a closed-loop or intended to be discharged and sent to a treatment plant, water in the food industry must meet very precise standards, hygiene, and purity levels.

Industrial Valve Advantages

Although each of these industries has different process, product, and filtration requirements, they have some common requirements: improving separation efficiency, reducing waste and reducing machine wear. By investing in durable industrial filter elements and filtration systems, manufacturers can achieve sustainable development and gain a competitive advantage.

The use of industrial filter elements and filtration systems can bring the following benefits:

1. Reduce maintenance costs

Industrial filtration has the potential to reduce the cost of any application. For most applications, it will protect the life of the equipment. Filtration keeps harmful pollutants out of the equipment and makes it operate normally. Equipment operating at its best will produce more products and reduce downtime because fewer repairs are required.

2. Reduce energy costs

The use of new industrial filtration systems can save energy costs. By exploring different methods of filtering water, an economical solution can be found.

3. Improve process efficiency

Recycling and reusing the water in wastewater can reduce potential water shortage risks and improve water safety by reducing reliance on raw water. This is especially beneficial for areas prone to drought and water shortages. Many factories have implemented a “zero liquid discharge” policy, which means that a drop of water is not allowed to leave the factory as waste.

4. Opportunities for sustainable and innovative methods

Rapid population growth, urbanization, industrialization, and changes in the planet, such as pollution and climate change, are putting pressure on freshwater supplies. This makes fresh water resources for industrial processes more difficult to obtain and more expensive.

Safilter industrial filter elements manufacturer is adopting more complete and sustainable industrial filter designs, focusing on the entire plant, not just pretreatment. The company has taken on a higher level of responsibility in treating wastewater streams and tried to reuse as much water as possible.

Safilter industrial filter manufacturer combines design and manufacturing services to help you meet these needs. We use innovation and expertise to design high-precision metal filters and screens, and then we can provide various customized services according to your specific specifications. Our process not only ensures that your centrifuge performs well in its environment but also ensures that you have the most efficient way to scale production.

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